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Showing posts from September, 2019

What is Congestive Heart Failure?

Heart failure is the most common disease of the day and spreading day by day in our new generation. What is Congestive Heart Failure? What is a Left Ventricular Failure? What Causes Heart Failure? We need to know about this to control this disease. Otherwise it is said that in the next few years there will be at least one member of everything the families will suffer from this disease.So We will tell you about the symptoms / causes and effects and Medication / treatment of this disease Heart failure, sometimes known as congestive heart failure, occurs when your heart muscle does not have blood as well as it should not pump. Certain conditions, such as constricted veins in your heart (coronary heart disease) or high blood pressure, gradually leave your heart too weak or filling tightly and pumping efficiently. What are Heart Failure Causes? Heart failure is caused by many conditions that affect the heart muscle, including damage: Coronary heart disease. Coronary artery disease (CAD

How to Stop Ectopic Beats

All who not know ectopic beats first learn how to stop ectopic beats. What is Ectopic Beast Ectopic beats are also known as Ectopic Heart Rhythm or cardiac ectopy. It is produced when the heart creates a premature beat, usually followed by a brief pause. How to stop ectopic beast is our main concern. Lets see. How to Stop Ectopic Beats If possible, avoiding the triggers of ectopic beats is also key in reducing its incidences as most ectopic beats need not to be treated. However, your doctor might ask you to avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine. Your ectopic heart beats doctor might suggest regular physical activity if you are inactive. If the triggers are related to stress, self-help methods such as meditation or mindfulness or other relaxation therapies might help. However, if ectopic heart beats persist and are bothersome, treatment is based on the underlying cause based on the tests performed. Treatment of ectopic beasts we know that but everyone should now cas

How to Prevent Fainting

“How to prevent fainting” Fainting, or fainting, is a sudden and short-term loss of consciousness, caused by decreased blood flow to the brain. At least once they hit every fifth of us, and every tenth they occur repeatedly, leading to millions of emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Although fainting can sometimes be caused by heart problems, the most common reasons are: standing (because blood starts to build up in the legs) or emotional strain. These types of fainting are called vasovagal reactions. In some situations, like blood donation, fainting has significant medical and social significance. More than 150,000 people feel faint every year, when donating blood, so it would be good to find a way to prevent it. However, if fainting in blood donation is of medical and social importance, what if someone faints while driving? It is clear that the loss of consciousness while driving can seriously jeopardize human and society. Of the interviewed group, 9% said th