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Showing posts from January, 2022

Learn the Difference Between a Defibrillator and Pacemaker

  You have pacemakers and defibrillators. Pacemakers are able to pace your heart if your heart rate goes too slow, whereas defibrillators are just like the pads that you see on TV, when somebody goes into a deadly abnormal rhythm, they are shocked by the EMS team, and brought back into a normal rhythm. Well, this defibrillator is like having those pads with you at all times, so all defibrillators can shock somebody out of a very fast rhythm, but they also have pacemaker capabilities, so that if somebody's heart rate does drop too low, that defibrillator can also serve as a pacemaker. So defibrillators can be pacemakers, but pacemakers cannot shock like defibrillators. With pacemakers and defibrillators, the battery is located within the device, and these are relatively long-lasting batteries. They can last anywhere between five to 10 years depending on the device. Often times we're referred to for lead extractions for devices that may have been in for a long period of time. Aft

Atrial Flutter & AFIB Explained by Dr Gregory Bashian

  Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are two similar cousin rhythm disorders. The approach to them can be similar in many ways, and many patients have both of them. Thus, we will talk about them together. First, before the treatment of the a-fib or a-flutter, we typically perform tests to see if there are other causes or contributing factors. This may include blood work, an echocardiogram, a sleep study if we're looking for sleep apnea, etc. Pin on Health is wealth 1. What is Atrial Flutter? Atrial flutter occurs when the electrical impulses form a circuit on top of the right atria (upper chambers of the heart), causing it to beat much rapidly than normally at approximately 300 beats per minute (bpm) instead of the normal 60-90 bpm. The impulses In atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, the top chambers of the heart, the atria, are beating very fast and basically quivering. This results in several issues, and we typically thin