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Showing posts from November, 2020

How can you stop a vasovagal attack?

  Vasovagal syncope is a condition characterized by loss of consciousness. Typically, when there isn’t enough blood flow to your brain. So when your brain doesn’t get enough blood, it doesn’t get enough oxygen and nutrients and the brain shuts down and we pass out that is very vagal. Syncope. Now the most common reasons for vasovagal syncope are that you have a susceptibility, and you add on to that triggers and I often think about vasovagal syncope, like a person who is susceptible, which are then confronted with ducts, all lining up in a row before you trigger The attack, some of these factors that come up to line in a row can be things like dehydration feeling, fatigued and tired lack of sleep, standing for prolonged periods being in a hot crowded environment, which is very stuffy or in a crowded restaurant, where you’ve just had Some alcohol or a large meal – these are all trigger factors for vasovagal syncope. Now there is a form of syncope called situational, syncope and oftentim

Hybrid aortic arch repair

  There are always patients where their approximate Rettig your dick pathology starts more proximately like in this patient who also had an eighth-inning ojek aneurysm and exceptionally Leanne deathless chaotic one with multiple penetrating adult erotic ulcers what we did and was in a sending autók replacement we call this a normal thermic total arch repair perfusionist by a side branch to the right subclavian artery a clamp is being put at the level of the brackets of electron conditioning orders being replaced and in the next step you may add either double transposition like in that case and read see HOW DO YOU CHOOSE THE BEST CARDIOLOGIST TO TREAT ATRIAL FIBRILLATION? There multiple lacerations in the bracket cephalic trunk or total re-routing a dependent on to the individual situation in this particular case we use double transposition as you can see here and in a few minutes and you will see the insertion of the same craft due to the obliterated itary ography of the disease in thi

What is Syncope and its causes?

  oday i will be with you in cardiology I will discuss about a very important feature ie Syncop Which means transient subconscious. Now before we get to the details of Syncop or its type or reasons, You must first understand why there is a syncop or subconsciousness. This is mostly because Brain possibly due to cardiovascular causes Stops working for a few minutes or for a few seconds, During this, when the flow of blood in the brain momentarily slows down Or gets interrupted That means for a moment or for some other time the brain Can not get blood or enough blood for its functions, Apart from this, it can happen due to some neurological reasons. When there is some change in the functioning of the brain. So for the cardiologist, Cardiac causes are the most important cause. So cardiac factors can cause subconsciousness, Mostly due to slowing of heart rate Or sometimes it can happen due to increased heart rate. Now the slowing of the heart means that our heart usually; Beats 70 to 80 ti

Atrial Fibrillation Anatomy, ECG and Stroke, Animation.

  Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of   cardiac arrhythmia . In a healthy heart, the sinoatrial node or SA node initiates all electrical impulses in the atria. In atrial fibrillation, electrical impulses are initiated randomly from many other sites called ectopic sites in and around the atria, commonly near the roots of pulmonary veins. These un-synchronized, chaotic electrical signals cause the atria to quiver or fibrillate rather than contract. Although the atrial rate during atrial fibrillation can be extremely high, most of the electrical impulses do not pass through the atrioventricular – the AV – node to the ventricles. This is due to refractory properties of the cells of the AV node. Those that do come through are irregular. Ventricular rate or heart rate is therefore irregular and can range from slow – less than 60 – to rapid -more than 100 – beats per minute. On an ECG, atrial fibrillation is characterized by absence of P-waves and irregular narrow QRS complexes. Re