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What is Syncope and its causes?

 oday i will be with you in cardiology I will discuss about a very important feature ie Syncop Which means transient subconscious. Now before we get to the details of Syncop or its type or reasons, You must first understand why there is a syncop or subconsciousness. This is mostly because Brain possibly due to cardiovascular causes Stops working for a few minutes or for a few seconds, During this, when the flow of blood in the brain momentarily slows down Or gets interrupted That means for a moment or for some other time the brain Can not get blood or enough blood for its functions, Apart from this, it can happen due to some neurological reasons.

When there is some change in the functioning of the brain. So for the cardiologist, Cardiac causes are the most important cause. So cardiac factors can cause subconsciousness, Mostly due to slowing of heart rate Or sometimes it can happen due to increased heart rate. Now the slowing of the heart means that our heart usually; Beats 70 to 80 times per minute Whose limit we have set from 60 to 100 That is, beats of 60 to 100 beats per minute are considered normal.

Now when the heart beats at a slower rate, Suppose the heart beats at a speed of 30 to 40 beats per minute, So the heart is taking a long interval between each beat And there can be some stops as well, Stagnation means that the heart stopped beating for 2 or 3 seconds. For us, the most important time is more than 2.5 or 3 seconds.

So if the heart doesn’t beat for 3 seconds So the brain also does not get blood for 3 seconds. If the brain does not get blood supply even for 2 to 3 seconds So the brain is not able to cope with this deficiency And so the patient becomes unconscious. So now in this state, the heart rate slows down, Blood supply to the brain is obstructed And the patient faints for a few seconds And then as soon as the heart rate starts up smoothly, The heart rate increases again and the patient returns to consciousness. Its treatment is pacemaker only.

The second set of diseases is the increased heart rate ie tachyarrhythmias. Suppose the patient has problems with atrial fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia Or several other types of atrial or ventricular factors Which can increase the heart rate. Suppose the heart; 150-200 beats per minute Or even beating at a faster rate. In that case, the heart or ventricle also fibrils something like this, Fibrillate means that the heart rate increases so much That instead of pumping in synergy like this, Vibrates in this way. So even in that case the blood supply to the brain can be obstructed And the patient may be subconscious.

In order to treat it; There is a different set of drugs Such as electrophysiology study and ablation, radiofrequency ablation Or some special pacemakers we call AICD Who deliver electric shock at the appropriate time And can save the patient’s life. So these are the common causes of cardiac syncope. Apart from these, there are some valvular causes like out stenosis. Which is a common problem in the elderly – outflow valve, That is, the valve that flows blood from the heart to other parts of the body.

The valve is narrow and shortened So the blood is not going out in sufficient quantity So the blood, and the blood going to the brain is also interrupted in this case And the patient will lose his senses for a few moments. So these are the definitive causes of cardiac syncope. In addition, neurological syncopes such as seizures and epilepsy may also occur. In which there is random cramps, the patient bites the tongue Or starts making involuntary gestures Or urinate again during sync And the patient is usually very confused after becoming conscious And usually in cases of epilepsy or neurologic syncope, The patient faints for a few seconds or even longer, This can be for a few minutes or sometimes even longer.

Trauma can also occur; Brain trauma can cause transient subconsciousness And may also result in paralysis of the limbs. That is, paralysis of the hands or feet or facial deformity or Some other pathologies that may be accompanied by cramps. Another important group that is probably the most common cause of syncope is That is neurocardiogenic syncope Or what we commonly call Vesovegal Syncop. Like we often see buses, trams or long queues That a patient stands in a long queue And suddenly he falls down And people put their feet up, Give him some water or something and the patient becomes conscious.

So what happens in such a situation that after standing for a long time, Blood draws to the lower limbs That is, most of the blood due to gravity Freezes in the lower limbs, ie; And the blood supply to the brain is interrupted for a few seconds; There is a shortage And in that case the patient falls down And then as soon as the force of gravity becomes And the blood supply to the brain is restored So the patient comes back to consciousness.

It is called Vesovegal Syncope. It is most common among the elderly. And sometimes its root cause is dehydration. When the patient is dehydrated or stands in the sun for a long time And he sweats a lot and in such a condition, the patient faints. So there is no very strong cure for this, Most precautions are taken at the Vesovegal Syncop.

Therefore, the patient should avoid standing for long time, He should avoid dehydration And when going out in the sun, he should take an umbrella along And if ever the patient; See this is the most important thing for any patient, They should keep in mind that Whenever they feel dizzy, Or say that there is darkness in front of the eyes, Everything gets dark before him and he thinks I will fall, Most important at that moment is if possible or wherever he is patient.

He should lie down to avoid getting hurt, Because if the patient lies down or even sits down So even if he is unconscious in such a situation, There will not be much injury to his head or any other important part of the body. So the most important thing is that whenever you feel dizzy, Or do you feel like you’re about to fall So just lie down on the side of the road or lie next to the room And it won’t hurt you.

So this is about Syncop in a nutshell, But remember that syncope is a very terrible symptom And if a person is struggling with these symptoms, Then he should immediately go to the doctor, Some investigation must be done and the cause of syncope should be found out..


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