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Showing posts from February, 2021

What Are Atrial Fibrillation Triggers?

  In this article I'm going to be talking about things can that can actually exacerbate or trigger an episode of chav fibrillation now some of these triggers don't apply to everybody some of this involves you need to be a detective with your own nature fibrillation to know what more commonly triggers off Eurasia fibrillation so you know better what to avoid so what are some common triggers for each of fibrillation number one. I would say is fatigue and sleep deprivation when you're not sleeping well there's a lot of stress hormones to get released your body feels kind of revved up sometimes you're drinking more caffeine because you're sleep-deprived and all of this can lead to episodes of HR fibrillation so good sleeping habits are essential to trying to minimize episodes of atrial fibrillation. Number two would be getting sick for any type of reason whether that be a viral illness can certainly trigger episodes of atrial fibrillation however act more commonly s