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What Are Atrial Fibrillation Triggers?

 In this article I'm going to be talking about things can that can actually exacerbate or trigger an episode of chav fibrillation now some of these triggers don't apply to everybody some of this involves you need to be a detective with your own nature fibrillation to know what more commonly triggers off Eurasia fibrillation so you know better what to avoid so what are some common triggers for each of fibrillation number one.

I would say is fatigue and sleep deprivation when you're not sleeping well there's a lot of stress hormones to get released your body feels kind of revved up sometimes you're drinking more caffeine because you're sleep-deprived and all of this can lead to episodes of HR fibrillation so good sleeping habits are essential to trying to minimize episodes of atrial fibrillation.

Number two would be getting sick for any type of reason whether that be a viral illness can certainly trigger episodes of atrial fibrillation however act more commonly see this actually patients are in the hospital and people in their house world more significant illness whether that's pneumonia or even gastroenteritis or an infection on their leg when the more seriously ill and in the hospital very commonly sees episodes of atrial fibrillation that get triggered your body is under strain a state of stress.

When you're sick and so those stress type hormones can also cause episodes of atrial fibrillation another thing that can trigger episodes of age relation is just stress by itself whether that be stress at home stress at work can lead to episodes of atrial fibrillation how does stress make that happen so one when people are star periods of stress they may also have these stress-related hormones release that can trigger episodes of atrial fibrillation but also the habits that people have when they're stressed also can lead to episodes of atrial fibrillation those habits maybe sleep deprivation maybe you're not sleeping as much when you're stressed or there's more bean intake because you're tired or more alcohol intake.

Because you're strata so all of those together can lead to episodes of the age of fibrillation for women in particular there can be events of atrial fibrillation that are triggered during the menstrual cycle I've had many patients female patients that describe palpitations or an episode of atrial fibrillation during their menstrual cycle but it's very inconsistent it's not like it's always during the middle of your cycle or at the end of the cycle can be very individualized and so but there definitely have been plenty of women who have described to me changes in episodes of H fibrillation based on where they are on their menstrual cycle now next thing that contributes of tribulation is exercise now there may be patients out there who clearly see that a certain type of exercise triggers RH fibrillation and the tricky part about figuring this all out is because exercise is actually healthy for you and in general.

It is recommended that if you have a chief revelation that you should exercise you should try to lose weight and so exercise for you is always good but it's always need to be monitored okay you need to be kind of careful when you exercise to try to figure out where your own individual tolerances are I usually start off slow with things that are low-impact and build up as you are able to be able to do certainly wouldn't go from not exercising to do a very high intensity exercise in it in the first in the first go get also heart rate monitors whether that's a Fitbit or Apple watch have been very useful for people to monitor their exercise monitor their heart rate doesn't help try to prevent episodes of atrial fibrillation while exercising and obviously when you're exercising making sure that your heart staying hydrated is an important tip as well next thing that contributors of inter relation is over-the-counter supplements particularly over-the-counter cold medications a lot of these over-the-counter cold medications contain a stimulant enema especially.

If they have a D in part of the name like a sudafed D you know that D is a sense for a decongestant and that's usually some type of stimulant which can kind of reverie body up and it makes you feel better when you're sick but it can also stimulate your heart and cause episodes of atrial fibrillation the thing that can trigger episodes of afib is alcohol I've actually discussed it several times in past videos and past articles how alcohol influences age of fibrillation especially significant alcohol use binge drinking has been known to have a be a significant risk factor for developing HF emulation to the point that it has its own term it's called Holly Holliday horror when people have significant alcohol usage and then lead to episodes of H fibrillation.

In some patients even just a small amount of alcohol even one or two drinks can lead to episodes of atrial fibrillation in general I recommend to my patients that a small amount of alcohol one or two drinks is usually okay as long as it's not a clear trigger for your age of fibrillation if you clearly take one drink and you can tell that you have episodes of eight of atrial fibrillation then you should abstain alcohol completely but no small amounts are usually okay next thing that can trigger atrial fibrillation is caffeine now caffeine as a trigger for afib has actually been something that's been controversial over the years for many years prior if anybody had a defibrillation it would be recommended to completely avoid all caffeine and then as time went on it was realized that well you know some amounts of caffeine are safe and there's actually was even some study that showed that smaller Caffey small amounts of caffeine can actually be beneficial for H of four H of fibrillation.

So I overall similar to alcohol I recommend that to my patients that caffeine coffee sodas are okay in small amounts as long as it's not clearly a trigger there are again some patients that have told me you know what if I drink one coffee I drink one soda I'm gonna get an episode of atrial fibrillation so in those cases I do recommend people to completely abstain from caffeine but in most patients, a small amount of caffeine is not going to trigger an episode of H fibrillation and perfectly acceptable to do next thing that can leave the episodes of H fibrillation is dehydration is a very common trigger for H of fibrillation and sort of kind of brings together some of the other points that I brought on before things like caffeine dehydration stress you know all some of the things that lead to the episode of its relationship is actually the dehydration caffeine and alcohol, for example, are powerful diuretics and then if you're not eating or drinking enough water to supplement.

You can become dehydrated so any type of dehydration can lead to episodes of atrial fibrillation next thing that can trigger a cup so the age privilege of recreational drugs even things like marijuana can stimulate your heart up obviously more illicit drugs such as cocaine or stimulant medic and are stimulants types of drugs also kind of rev up your heart and can bring episodes of beach fibrillation there are also some evidence that increased air pollution can cause episodes of atrial fibrillation there have been some data showing that when cities when they have days of increased pollution they get more patients get getting episodes of age of fibrillation and then lastly are certain foods and beverages and this is not a specific trigger for everyone but there are plenty of patients in mind that know for for example they know that fried food meal is gonna cheer episodes of a tribulation a particularly heavy meal is going to trigger an episode of wave of afib or spicy food and so some of this goes back to being a detective you know knowing what you may have eaten the 24 hours prior.

When you get an afib up so it may help you figure out what food you particularly need to avoid and if you're looking for diet tips so you look at my other videos for diet tips on HR fibrillation so hopefully with some of these summaries of these different types of triggers you can help kind of learn what made sure your episodes of atrial fibrillation.


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