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Showing posts from October, 2019

Leading Irregular Heartbeat (Arrhythmia) Treatments or How To Stop Ectopic Beat

Arrhythmia is defined as irregular heartbeat actually, and it can be the heart beating too slow, too fast, or it’s just simply irregular. But it causes a variety of symptoms, usually the people feel palpitations where there’s an awareness of the heartbeat being irregular or strong or more dangerously, people feel fainting and people sometimes collapse and even die suddenly. The causes for arrhythmia are multiple obviously, like any other condition in health, but the most common cause is damage to the heart — heart valve, heart muscle, enlarged heart. It can also be congenital. People can be born with it, or it can also be caused by drugs or other things. There’s a variety of treatment for arrhythmia nowadays. Just like most conditions in health, the first line of therapy is typically drug therapy but actually in the past 2, 3 decades we’re finding out that drug therapy, except for the mild arrhythmia, just simply does not work for the more serious ones. Learn here  how to stop

Women & Heart Disease Problems

We will learn in this article some common questions about women and heart disease.  Heart disease  is the leading cause of death for women in the United Kingdom. While about the same number of women and men die of the disease annually, fewer women survive their first heart attack. In many cases women don’t realize they are experiencing a heart attack since their symptoms aren’t always clear or well understood. Many times this results in the delay in getting treatment. Women also have higher rates of additional medical problems, such as diabetes which contribute to worse outcomes. Women and men have similar symptoms of heart disease, including the most common symptoms of chest pain or shortness of breath; however women’s symptoms differ and they have a tendency to experience more of the less common symptoms. These may include throat tightness, left arm pain, or lightheadedness with activity. Other less common symptoms include pain or discomfort in the upper back, arms, neck or jaw.


The myths and dogmas in medicine die hard. Researchers creating a new knowledge base for the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease, they had to disprove and displace a whole bunch of crazy claims, such as having previously thought that cardiovascular disease was simply inevitable the consequence of aging or that cholesterol and blood pressure they just naturally increase with age. All of these are ideas that have been overlooked, denied by a huge amount of data, but other long-standing myths and dogmas about the # 1 killer epidemic still exist, for example, this notion that major risk factors such as cholesterol, they represent a small part of the risk, and that many people experience heart attacks without risk factors, so these are just nonsense — there is nothing to do. Error. There are rare genetic conditions that can cause people to have high cholesterol, no matter what they eat, but such genetic mutations occur in no more than 1 in every 200 people. This of course means

Precautions of high blood pressure

High blood pressure is the number 1 risk factor for death in the world That affects nearly 78 million Americans and one in three adults As we age, the pressure rises higher and higher Such as when the age of 60 increases by more than half Well, if it affects most of us when we get older Perhaps it is less sicker, more just an inevitable consequence of aging? No, we have known since 1920 that high blood pressure does not have to happen The researchers measured blood pressure for 1,000 people In rural Kenya they eat a whole food-centered diet Whole grains, legumes, fruit vegetables, and dark green plant Our blood pressure rises as we age and their blood pressure actually drops down. The better the less Limit 140 to 90 is arbitrary Even people who start with blood pressure below 120 by 80 They seem to benefit from low blood pressure If you go to the doctor with a blood pressure of 120 by 80 You’ll get a golden star but perfect blood pressure Blood pressure that does not benefit from