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Showing posts from July, 2020
Cardiovascular disease involves abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels. Coronary heart disease is the most common condition and is the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women. The lifetime risk for developing significant cardiovascular disease is greater than the likelihood of developing cancer. Your heart is a muscular pump that requires heart arteries to supply oxygen-rich blood to keep it going. Coronary heart disease occurs when these blood vessels become narrowed due to a buildup of plaque. The plaque is made up of cholesterol and other substances. This process is called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis occurs over a lifetime, and is influenced by risk factors. Some risk factors can't be changed, however, others can be altered through healthy lifestyle choices and medications if needed. Symptoms of coronary heart disease occur when the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen. Some describe this as chest pressure or ches

People with cardiovascular disease at greater risk for COVID-19

Many studies show people with cardiovascular disease are at a greater risk of contracting koban 19 and signs of heart attacks and strokes have been found to be common in patients with infections like the coronavirus. First, how is the coronavirus impacting the heart? Well, as with many a viral infection, when people get very seriously ill, there, that's on the heart, both from increased demand from the body and in the effects of the virus and inflammation with many people who already have underlying heart conditions. These things are made worse and by the coronavirus and, as you mentioned, as we know with this coronavirus, those with these underlying health conditions, such as heart disease, are at a greater risk. What should they be doing right now during this time to make sure they are protecting themselves? Well, there's been a lot of talks, as you know, about social distancing and limiting your exposure to other people. This is particularly important for people with

What is The Cardiac Cycle ?

The cardiac cycle refers to the sequence of events that occur and repeat with each heartbeat. It can be divided into two main stages: Systole and diastole, each of which is divided into several small steps When systole and diastole are not specified otherwise refers to ventricular contraction and relaxation Respectively, Reminder Blood flows from low to low pressure Compression increases the pressure in a Chamber, while relaxation reduces the pressure. When the AVT valves open the anterior pressures are higher than the ventricular pressures and Off when the pressure gradient is reversed. Similarly, Semiluna valves open when ventricular pressure exceeds submerged /, pulmonary pressure And stop. If the opposite is true, The cycle was started by firing shots at the SA node, which encouraged the atria to lower . Learn here Atrial Fibrillation Treatment It is represented by p-waves in the ECG Shortly after the onset of the P-wave atrial contraction begins and increases the